Saturday, January 18, 2003

Great Grandpa Stephen Fredrick Cowen

This is information written down by Ira Cowen several years ago

Memories of Grandpa Cowen

Memories of a boy" or a girl" should be precious, and if by chance one should be blessed with time spent with their grandpa it should be regarded with much love and affection, many people my age and even younger did not know their grandpa I was around and associated with my grandpa Cowen more than my grandpa Stone, but I loved both equally and enjoyed being in their company. Grandpa Cowen was a wonderful and loving He and my father looked alike, I assume he was raised in Arkansas, born in a family of two children.a boy and a girl, his sister my great aunt lived in Prague Ok. and i remember going to see her while i was young, her Husband, Walter Hill was a lawyer later on a Judge in Lincoln county, Grandpa we called him Pappy would sit and tell me stories that happened back in Arkansas, there were family feuds in those days and the one i remember best was between two families the larues and Johns, grand pa sister's first husband was one of the Johns boys, these two famities carried their guns every where. One Day the youngest Johns boy was riding his horse down the road he shot a crow and got off his horse to pick up his brass, they saved the brass to reload, and to hang the crow he had killed on the fence post for some reason unknown to me the Larues shot the young Johns boy several times, he got on his horse and rode home where a doctor was called who came and upon examination explained nothing could be done for the young lad, His brothers, which i believe were three of them tied there horses to the back of the house. Early next morning their brother died upon his death his brothers mounted their horses and rode off tooking for the Larues clan, the first one spotted by them was walking between his house and barn going to do his morning chores, they killed him as he ran toward the barn before he could reach the safety of the barn. next they saw one walking down the road upon which he started running across a field of corn stubble they started shooting at him as he ran through the com stalks, as he ran he felt some punch him in the stomach thinking he had been shot he fell and laid very still. The Johns boys dismounted and picked up their brass re mounted and one of them rode looking back to see if the one down in the field moved, saying if he did move he would have shot him upon their going out of sight the man in the field checked and finding he was not shot ran into the town nearby, the name of the town i have forgotten. He begged the Sheriff or constable to lock him in the jail for protection.

After this I think my aunt either married or was already married to the Johns boy, which I think his name was Johnny, in either case he became a fugitive from the law, he was hunted for some time and eventually captured sentenced to prison, he and another prisoner escaped and became a hunted man, during their escape, Johnnys partner took sick johnny would not leave him but nursed him back to health at which time the man began to believe he might be in danger of johnny killing him one night as they slept he ran off and went to the law and turned states evidence in to the law on johnny, the blood hounds were called out and they tracked him down and put him back into prison, while in prison his cell mate snored so loud johnny couldn't sleep, so Johnny decided to stop the snoring and make it look like the man died in his sleep, so during work hours johnny sharpened a nail very sharp and that night drove the nif into the celf mates head eliminating the snoring, next morning he reported it to the guards and they carried him out for burial, they evidently did not investigate something like they do today. later on in time Johnny was released and he came back and begged my great aunt to leave and go with him But my great aunt had given up on johnnys ever returning and had remarried and refused to go with him.

Now in the meantime remember Johnnys partner who turned johnny in which led to his capture, this man had become a lawman, knowing Johnny as he did and fearful that Johnny would kill him they were both at a little country store and as Johnny walked upon the store porch the man shot him in the back killing him. Pappy would tell me tails about the old days and i wonder about the ones he never told me.

I can see him in my memories sitting on the river bank under the shade of a willow tree with a couple cane poles in front of him fishing, I would cross the river and go over to his side, sit down and talk to him, also i can see him as he walked down an old dirt dusty road to go fishing I would run to catch up with him happy with not a care in the world, I can see him eating breakfast which would consist of eggs over easy, fat sow belly and the eggs would floating in melted lard, with hot biscuits with fresh butter and sorghum, he was a happy man and i am thankful to have known him and to have the memories i have



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